79 research outputs found

    Neural Question Answering at BioASQ 5B

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    This paper describes our submission to the 2017 BioASQ challenge. We participated in Task B, Phase B which is concerned with biomedical question answering (QA). We focus on factoid and list question, using an extractive QA model, that is, we restrict our system to output substrings of the provided text snippets. At the core of our system, we use FastQA, a state-of-the-art neural QA system. We extended it with biomedical word embeddings and changed its answer layer to be able to answer list questions in addition to factoid questions. We pre-trained the model on a large-scale open-domain QA dataset, SQuAD, and then fine-tuned the parameters on the BioASQ training set. With our approach, we achieve state-of-the-art results on factoid questions and competitive results on list questions

    Making Neural QA as Simple as Possible but not Simpler

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    Recent development of large-scale question answering (QA) datasets triggered a substantial amount of research into end-to-end neural architectures for QA. Increasingly complex systems have been conceived without comparison to simpler neural baseline systems that would justify their complexity. In this work, we propose a simple heuristic that guides the development of neural baseline systems for the extractive QA task. We find that there are two ingredients necessary for building a high-performing neural QA system: first, the awareness of question words while processing the context and second, a composition function that goes beyond simple bag-of-words modeling, such as recurrent neural networks. Our results show that FastQA, a system that meets these two requirements, can achieve very competitive performance compared with existing models. We argue that this surprising finding puts results of previous systems and the complexity of recent QA datasets into perspective

    Analysis of Physiologic E-Selectin-Mediated Leukocyte Rolling on Microvascular Endothelium

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    E-selectin is a type-1 membrane protein on microvascular endothelial cells that helps initiate recruitment of circulating leukocytes to cutaneous, bone and inflamed tissues. E-selectin expression is constitutive on dermal and bone microvessels and is inducible by pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1α/ and TNF-α, on microvessels in inflamed tissues. This lectin receptor mediates weak binding interactions with carbohydrate counter-receptor ligands on circulating leukocytes, which results in a characteristic rolling behavior. Because these interactions precede more stable adhesive events and diapedesis activity, characterization of leukocyte rolling activity and identification of leukocyte E-selectin ligands have been major goals in studies of leukocyte trafficking and inflammation and in the development of anti-inflammatory therapeutics (1-5). The intent of this report is to provide a visual, comprehensive description of the most widely-used technology for studying E-selectin E-selectin ligand interactions under physiologic blood flow conditions. Our laboratory in conjunction with the Harvard Skin Disease Research Center uses a state-of-the-art parallel-plate flow chamber apparatus accompanied by digital visualization and new recording software, NIS-Elements. This technology allows us to analyze adhesion events in real time for onscreen visualization as well as record rolling activity in a video format. Cell adhesion parameters, such as rolling frequency, shear resistance and binding/tethering efficiency, are calculated with NIS-Elements software, exported to an Excel spreadsheet and subjected to statistical analysis. In the demonstration presented here, we employed the parallel-plate flow chamber to investigate E-selectin-dependent leukocyte rolling activity on live human bone marrow endothelial cells (hBMEC). Human hematopoietic progenitor KG1a cells, which express a high level of E-selectin ligand, were used as our leukocyte model, while an immortalized hBMEC cell line, HBMEC-60 cells, was used as our endothelial cell model (6). To induce and simulate native E-selectin expression in the flow chamber, HBMEC-60 cells were first activated with IL-1 . Our video presentation showed that parallel-plate flow analysis is a suitable method for studying physiologic E-selectin-mediated leukocyte rolling activities and that functional characterization of leukocyte E-selectin ligand(s) in the flow chamber can be ascertained by implementing protease or glycosidase digestions

    Über einige Wirkungen der Gütergemeinschaft in Rostock

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    Match me, if you can – Zum Einfluss von persönlichkeitsbasierter Ähnlichkeit zwischen Marke und Testimonial auf die wahrgenommene Passung und die Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit

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    Die Match-up-Hypothese besagt, dass eine für ein Produkt werbende Person (Testimonial) dann besonders effektiv ist, wenn die Eigenschaften des Testimonials mit denen der Marke übereinstimmen (z. B. Till & Busler, 2000). Die spärliche Forschung hierzu hat sich bislang mit Attraktivität und Expertenwissen beschäftigt, das Image von Testimonial und Marke aber überraschenderweise nicht berücksichtigt. Ein hierfür geeigneter Ansatz ist die Analyse der Persönlichkeit von Testimonial und Marke. Drei kulturübergreifend stabile Markenpersönlichkeitsdimensionen (Aufrichtigkeit, Erregung und Kultiviertheit) aus der Brand Personality Scale (Aaker, 1997) wurden in einem experimentellen Design (N = 120) unter Verwendung zweier Testimonials untersucht. Die Versuchsteilnehmenden bewerteten die Marke und das Testimonial auf denselben Persönlichkeitsdimensionen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die wahrgenommene Passung zwischen Testimonial und Marke umso höher ist, je größer die Ähnlichkeit auf den Persönlichkeitsdimensionen ist. Zudem führt eine hohe wahrgenommene Passung zu einem Anstieg der Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit. Implikationen für die Anwendung in Werbekampagnen werden gegeben

    From Lab to Pilot Scale: Commissioning of an Integrated Device for the Generation of Crystals

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    Fast time-to-market, increased efficiency, and flexibility of production processes are major motivators for the development of integrated, continuous apparatuses with short changeover times. Following this trend, the modular belt crystallizer was developed and characterized in lab scale with the model system sucrose-water. Based on the promising results, the plant concept was upscaled and commissioned in industrial environment. The results are presented within the scope of this work. Starting from small seed crystals in solution, it was possible to grow, separate, and dry product particles. Further, the conducted experiments demonstrated that it is feasible to transfer the results from laboratory to pilot scale, which in turn enables accelerated process design as well as development

    Needs-based off-job crafting across different life domains and contexts : Testing a novel conceptual and measurement approach

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    Shaping off-job life is becoming increasingly important for workers to increase and maintain their optimal functioning (i.e., feeling and performing well). Proactively shaping the job domain (referred to as job crafting) has been extensively studied, but crafting in the off-job domain has received markedly less research attention. Based on the Integrative Needs Model of Crafting, needs-based off-job crafting is defined as workers' proactive and self-initiated changes in their off-job lives, which target psychological needs satisfaction. Off-job crafting is posited as a possible means for workers to fulfill their needs and enhance well-being and performance over time. We developed a new scale to measure off-job crafting and examined its relationships to optimal functioning in different work contexts in different regions around the world (the United States, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Japan, and the United Kingdom). Furthermore, we examined the criterion, convergent, incremental, discriminant, and structural validity evidence of the Needs-based Off-job Crafting Scale using multiple methods (longitudinal and cross-sectional survey studies, an "example generation"-task). The results showed that off-job crafting was related to optimal functioning over time, especially in the off-job domain but also in the job domain. Moreover, the novel off-job crafting scale had good convergent and discriminant validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. To conclude, our series of studies in various countries show that off-job crafting can enhance optimal functioning in different life domains and support people in performing their duties sustainably. Therefore, shaping off-job life may be beneficial in an intensified and continually changing and challenging working life.Peer reviewe

    A complex regional intervention to implement advance care planning in one town's nursing homes: Protocol of a controlled inter-regional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advance Care Planning (ACP) is an emerging strategy to ensure that well-reflected, meaningful and clearly documented treatment preferences are available and respected when critical decisions about life-sustaining treatment need to be made for patients unable to consent. In Germany, recent legislation confirms that advance directives (AD) have to be followed if they apply to the medical situation, but implementation of ACP has not yet been described.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In a longitudinal controlled study, we compare 1 intervention region (4 nursing homes [n/hs], altogether 421 residents) with 2 control regions (10 n/hs, altogether 985 residents). Inclusion went from 01.02.09 to 30.06.09, observation lasted until 30.06.10. Primary endpoint is the prevalence of ADs at follow-up, 17 (12) months after the first (last) possible inclusion. Secondary endpoints compare relevance and validity of ADs, process quality, the rate of life-sustaining interventions and, in deceased residents, location of death and intensity of treatment before death. The regional multifaceted intervention on the basis of the US program Respecting Choices<sup>® </sup>comprises training of n/h staff as facilitators, training of General Practitioners, education of hospital and ambulance staff, and development of eligible tools, including Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment in case of Emergency (POLST-E).</p> <p><it>Participation data: </it>Of 1406 residents reported to live in the 14 n/hs plus an estimated turnover of 176 residents until the last possible inclusion date, 645 (41%) were willing to participate. Response rates were 38% in the intervention region and 42% in the control region. Non-responder analysis shows an equal distribution of sex and age but a bias towards dependency on nursing care in the responder group. <it>Outcome analysis </it>of this study will become available in the course of 2011.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Implementing an ACP program for the n/hs and related health care providers of a region requires a complex community intervention with the effect of nothing less than a cultural shift in this health care sector. This study is to our knowledge the first to develop a strategy for regional implementation of ACP, and to evaluate its feasibility in a controlled design.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN99887420">ISRCTN99887420</a></p

    TaReCa – Cascade utilization of horticultural biomass for a resource efficient production of valuable bioactive substances

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    Viele pflanzliche Sekundärmetabolite haben antioxidative oder andere bioaktive Eigenschaften, weshalb sie einerseits wichtige Bestandteile der menschlichen Ernährung sind, andererseits aber auch als pharmazeutische Verbindungen oder als Substrat für die chemische Synthese von bioaktiven Substanzen verwendet werden. Pflanzen induzieren die Produktion solcher nutzbaren Sekundärmetabolite wie z.B. Flavonoiden als Reaktion auf abiotischen Stress. Die Produktion von Gemüse und Früchten in Gewächshäusern hinterlässt große Mengen an ungenutzter pflanzlicher Biomasse, welche eine potentielle Ressource für die Gewinnung wertvoller Metabolite darstellt. Durch eine kaskadenartige Verwendung von Gartenbaukulturen zur Produktion von Früchten und Gemüse mit einer anschließenden Gewinnung hochwertiger Substanzen aus der verbleibenden Restbiomasse würde ein erheblicher Mehrwert generiert. Das Projekt TaReCa bearbeitet die Entwicklung einer maßgeschneiderten Kaskadenverwertung von Paprikapflanzen-Restbiomasse aus dem Gartenbau. Dabei soll der pflanzliche Sekundärmetabolismus durch spezifische abiotische Stressbedingungen nach der Fruchternte gezielt induziert werden, um die Konzentrationen der Zielmetaboliten zu steigern. Durch umweltfreundliche und wirtschaftliche Extraktionsprozesse und eine anschließende Verwertung des verbleibenden Pflanzenmaterials in einer Bioraffinerie wird die Wertschöpfungskette erweitert. Eine Analyse der Anwendungsgebiete sowie Untersuchungen zur Akzeptanz der induzierten Inhaltsstoffe, Prozesse und Technologien werden helfen, das Marktpotenzial der Restbiomasse für die Nutzung in Kaskaden zu evaluieren. Die maßgeschneiderte Nutzung von Gartenbaubiomasse durch Lebensmittelproduktion, Extraktion bioaktiver Sekundärmetabolite und Bioraffinerien kann wirtschaftlich relevante, biobasierte Produkte für industrielle Anwendungen erzeugen und somit zur Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen, effizienten und integrierten Bioökonomie beitragen, ohne mit der Lebensmittelproduktion zu konkurrieren.Many plant secondary metabolites have antioxidant or pharmaceutically relevant properties, which makes them important components of the human diet, but also as pharmaceutical compounds or for the chemical synthesis of bioactive substances. Plants induce the production of secondary metabolites, e.g. flavonoids in response to environmental stress stimuli. The production of vegetables and fruits in greenhouses leaves huge amounts of so far under-utilized biomass after fruit harvest, which is a potential source for production of valuable metabolites. A cascade utilization of horticultural crops to produce fruits and vegetables with subsequent extraction of high quality compounds would generate significant added value. The project TaReCa is working on the development of a tailored cascade utilization of bell pepper plant residues from horticulture. The secondary metabolism will be induced by specific abiotic stress treatments after the last fruit harvest, in order to increase the concentrations of the target metabolites. Eco-friendly and economical extraction processes and subsequent utilization of the remaining plant material in a biorefinery will expand the value chain. An analysis of the application areas as well as studies on the acceptance of the induced ingredients, processes and technologies will help to evaluate the market potential of the residual biomass for the proposed cascaded use. The tailored utilization of horticultural biomass in food production, extraction of bioactive secondary metabolites and biorefineries can produce economically relevant bio-based products for industrial applications and thus contribute to the development of a sustainable, efficient and integrated bioeconomy without competing with food production